Just who are your customers? – 4 key areas to consider
The pandemic has forced many businesses to improve, or even create, a digital presence, in order to reach a wider audience. This has removed barriers to trading within confined geographical areas, or even with the same type of customers, with increased opportunities to trade internationally, for some businesses.
That begs the question, just who are your customers & how big is your market?
By challenging your usual definitions of customer sub-groups and considering alternative categorisations, you could find that there is scope to grow your sales.
Here are 4 key areas to consider. If you don’t have answers to these questions at present, maybe you can build this into your processes, to add depth?

There may be multiple ways to categorise your customers/markets, depending upon your product or service and some customers may fit into more than one category. Purchasing drivers within B2B markets will also differ from B2C.
Look for patterns. Review regularly.
Can you use this to make your marketing communications more relevant for specific customer groups?
Can it help you to identify similar types of prospective customers to target?
Contact us to discuss how we can help you to improve your customer knowledge.
Please note that this article is an exploratory thought piece and does not represent one-to-one business advice by Freelance Marketing Ltd for any specific organisation.